What Seniors Need To Know About Plumbing Plumbing issues come under home maintenance. However, plumbing is a special class of maintenance because failure to address plumbing issues can have a …
Mortgage Mortgages are the number one way seniors are able to purchase their homes. If a senior has a mortgage, or is considering refinancing, or getting a mortgage, what do they need to know? What …
Mold & Seniors Why should the elderly care about mold? Seniors want to stay in their homes, and as we've shown in other sections, staying healthy is critical in this objective. Seniors and mold …
Home Maintenance A senior’s number one concern is housing. Protecting this asset requires regular home maintenance. What are home maintenance tasks? If they're not done, what are the consequences …
Home Insurance Costs For Seniors
Home Insurance Costs For Seniors Seniors' number one concern is housing. Protecting this asset requires insurance. The big question becomes, "How much should I pay for home insurance?" In other …
Home Damage: Storms, Rodents, Fire
Home Damage: Storms, Rodents, Fire Seniors' number one concern is housing. Seniors don't want to leave their homes. This requires the ability to properly manage their homes. Otherwise, damages from …