Quick Tip
End of Life Chores (EOLCs) require a simple Will, Power of Attorney, Advance Medical Directive and your funeral wishes (burial, cremation, service, etc.). Getting them together will take about a day. So take a day and do it. You can always go back and revise them at a later date.
Carmen and I can’t emphasize how important it is to get through the basics. If you don’t, you’re leaving your family, caregivers, and community in a mess.
Here’s an analogy to emphasize the basics. Imagine that you have four young kids. On Christmas, you bring home one gift, a red fire truck. Then you tell your children the gift is for the one you love. Then you walk out of the house.
Do you think your children will sit around the kitchen table and mutually conclude that Dad loves us all, that the red fire truck is to be equally shared and then play nice on Christmas Day? If you do, you probably don’t need to do your basic EOLCs.
For the rest of us doing the basics shares your wants with your loved ones or your community. When you get to the end, your family can spend quality time with you. Not time trying to figure out if you want a burial or cremation. Or if you want the latest cancer treatment in Singapore.