About Us

Why We Started CarePlanIt
Carmen and Steve Glovsky began the CarePlanIt journey in the Fall of 2014 after eight years of interviewing seniors. Our interview started with a primary question: “What are your responsibilities as a senior?” Unlike nine-year-olds, seniors in high school, and new parents, we discovered that most seniors were unable to answer the question. In other words, when we asked kids, teens, and young parents about their responsibilities they rattled off responsibilities specific to their stage in life.
Kids, for example, said they had to go to school, do their homework and chores, and listen to their parents. Young parents said they had to take of their children, stay employed (or get a better job), and create a good environment for their children.
Seniors were different. They didn’t have any good answers. In fact, the three most commons answers were “golf,” “love our grandchildren,” and “stay alive.” There was a subset of seniors that knew with confidence their responsibilities. We ultimately called them Super Agers.
Super Ager answers led us to change our primary question. We changed it to: “What are your greatest fears?” When we asked seniors this question, the majority answered:
These answers roughly matched what Super Agers told us. In other words, seniors’ greatest fears were their responsibilities as an Ager.
Seniors Didn’t Know Their Age-Related Responsibilities
Ultimately, our research taught us two truths. Firstly, most seniors have no idea what their responsibilities are in old age. Secondly, no one talked about how to make these responsibilities understandable and actionable. Consequently, this became the basis for CarePlanit and CarePlanIt’s Aging Framework.
To spread our message coast-to-coast, we formed our Limited Liability Company in the Fall of 2019, published our book, and launched our website.
Carmen Glovsky Bio
Mrs. Glovsky has been intrigued by how and why people learn and transform. She is eternally grateful for the help she received as a young girl from her community. Without this love and assistance, it is unlikely she would have successfully addressed her challenges and reached her goals. CarePlanIt was launched in the same spirit: to share a way for seniors and their families to better address and manage age-related issues.
Camen frequently visited the library bookmobile that stopped in the park across the street as a little girl. She attended Bible study classes provided by faith-based outreach programs and after-school City programs like arts and crafts, after-school study, fitness, and sports. She strives to give back the love and support given to her.
Carmen’s Career Before CarePlanIt
Before starting CarePlanIt, Carmen spent over 40 years in training, communications, and product development. Carmen has also developed and taught training programs for people of all ages, races, and ethnicities. She has focused on identifying the needs of specific workers, developing learning materials, delivering the materials, and evaluating the effectiveness of the materials. She also worked at Security Pacific National Bank, Bank of America, JD Power and Associates, and Nissan Motor Corporation. Her programs have received recognition and numerous awards including The International Society for Performance Improvement Award of Excellence and the President’s Award.
Carmen has a lifetime of volunteer work that includes hospice worker, English as a Second Language (ESL) instructor, a companion to a 105-year-old woman, and a Special Olympics Aide.
Mrs. Glovsky has a Master of Science in Instructional Technology from California State University, Los Angeles (classes also took at the University of Southern California), and a Bachelor of Arts from California State University at Los Angeles. She also has a Certificate in Bank Management from The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
Steven Glovsky Bio
Mr. Glovsky is interested in why people do what they do and how to help them achieve their goals. CarePlanIt is designed to help seniors and their families understand age-related responsibilities and develop better ways to address these challenges.
As a child, Steve’s heroes were coaches Paul Bear Bryant and John Wooden. Two of the winningest coaches in college sports history. Both developed techniques to make winners in sports and in life. They understood the importance of hard work, knowledge of the sport, commitment to the team, and a desire to do one’s best. Mr. Glovsky’s inspiration comes in part from their impact on their sports, their athletes, and their communities.
Steve’s Career Before CarePlanIt
Steve is a serial entrepreneur, lawyer, and recipient of several robotics patents. He has led small and large work teams to address serious challenges. He is also trained is in strategy, business, law, finance, literature, and intellectual history. Steve also has held positions as a lawyer, chief executive officer, chief finance officer, chief strategist, product manager, and business development manager.
Mr. Glovsky started his career with Security Pacific National Bank, Bank of America, and Arthur Anderson. He left to pursue and found companies focused on how integrating technology and knowledge could transform how we learn and how we work. Mr. Glovsky has also run small companies in the eLearning, robotics, and technology spaces. Steve also has consulted with companies in a variety of industries, including media, sports, gaming, publishing, and health.
Steve saw the ability of people to transform their lives even under daunting conditions while volunteering at Los Angeles Central Juvenile Hall. Here he tutored teenage gang members in English, Math, and History. He watched as their minds and hearts were able to expand by simply applying their innate intelligence and heart through a different lens.
Mr. Glovsky has a BA from Tufts University and J.D. from the Law Center of the University of Southern California. He is a licensed member of the California Bar. He also studied at the University of California, Irvine (intellectual history), and the College for Financial Planning (financial planning and analysis).
Steve and Carmen are married and made their home in Franklin, Tennessee, until Carmen’s retirement from Nissan Motor Corporation. They now live in Taos, New Mexico.
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