Moving In With A Sibling
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As a child, you shared a house with your siblings. As a senior, are you ready to move in with a sibling as an adult? What do you do? What are the issues? How do you address them?
Sibling relationships come in all shapes and sizes. For example, some siblings grow up together, sharing everything. Some take these experiences into adulthood. They live near each other and never miss their nieces and nephews’ birthdays, baseball games, or graduations. Also, they run carpools for their nieces and nephews. In addition, they babysit. They make dinners and weekend breakfasts for each other. Some may even live with their sibling and help with rent.

Easy Choice To Move In With A Sibling
If you fall into the category above, having a sibling move in is a no-brainer. You’ve been enjoying their company, and they yours. Review and take what seems helpful from the information below. But you practically live together already, so taking the additional step is likely an easy one.
What To Consider Before Moving In With A Sibling
But for the rest of us, things aren’t so easy. For example, a third of us don’t talk to one of our siblings. For half of us, the only time we spend time with our siblings is at special events like Thanksgiving, marriages, and children’s graduations. Less than 10 % of us take regular vacations with our siblings.
So moving in with a sibling entails a lot of issues we simply haven’t experienced. Obviously, how we go about these experiences is critical. Here are important questions you should think about. Getting answers to these questions is often the only way to minimize confusion and future disagreement. Unquestionably, predicting possible challenges and addressing them early will minimize disputes and how to handle them.
Housing Issues To Consider Before Moving In With A Sibling
For housing, cohabitation with siblings is generally about privacy, behaviors, longevity, and surprises from others.
Sibling Privacy
Without a doubt, privacy is a big issue for many seniors. For example, have I become accustomed to certain things that I need to stay happy?
Sibling Behaviors
In addition to privacy issues, general behaviors should be considered. For example, what happens as we age and lose mobility?
Unlike the challenges above, longevity permeates everything. For example, the longer we live, the greater the opportunity for new or more serious challenges.
Unlike some of the issues in their article, surprises are just that. Something largely unpredictable. For example, what happens if one of us wins the lottery?
Health Issues
For cohabitation with siblings, health issues generally address issues of what happens as one or both sibling’s health declines.
Finance Issues
For cohabitation with siblings, finance issues generally address issues of what are we working with in terms of money and resources. Do we even want to tell one another? Are we aware of how to expand these resources? What happens if one of us runs out of money? Who is responsible for what? Finally, what happens as one or both siblings’ health declines?
My Finances or Our Finances?
How are financial responsibilities divided? For example, do we split everything or apportion based on ability to pay. Alternatively, do we agree to assess costs before we move in together. Regardless of what we do, knowing the issues allows us to consider them before moving in together.
Family Resources
In addition to sibling finances, family finances also come into play.
Community Resources
Siblings should also consider community resources/
Regardless of the above issues, who takes responsibility for these issues permeates every challenge. Is it you or your sibling? For example, if you become disabled, is your sibling willing to take responsibility?
End of Life Chores Issues To Consider Before Moving In With A Sibling
Family Communication Issues To Consider Before Moving In With A Sibling
For cohabitation with siblings, family communication generally focuses on communication styles, lifestyles, and preferences.
Communication Styles
Lifestyle & Preferences
In addition to the communication styles above, lifestyle and preferences can create challenges.
In addition, see our Family Communication Section here.
Other Resources On Living With A Sibling
A good article on adult sibling cohabitation here.
Another interesting take on living with a married sibling here.
Finally, make sure you review our Section on Family Communication here.