Planning For Future Senior Housing Needs
Most seniors never plan for their future housing needs. They’re too afraid. Instead, they wait until they’ve had a catastrophic event like a chronic illness diagnosis, broken bone, car accident, or head injury. After this event, they say their current home is too much to manage, too dangerous, or too far away from where they now plan to spend the majority of their time. If you or a loved one is now in this situation, we recommend that you start the process here. Select the level of care you need, and click on the menu to get started.

If you’re not, Carmen and I recommend you keep learning and exploring. One of CarePlanIt’s housing lessons is that if we live long enough, we’ll all need every level of care (independent, assisted, and dependent). If you’re here, on this page, you’ve started to understand this truth.
Start Exploring And Looking Early For Future Housing
Carmena and I recommend you get out there and see what’s available. Even if you don’t need something today, the knowledge you gain will be invaluable in making future housing decisions when you do. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the choices. But the information in our housing section should provide you with a great starting point for how to plan for your future senior housing needs.
Here’s what Carmen and I recommend as a best practice for housing selection:
Step 1 – Identify Future Senior Housing Options Now
Step 2 – Drill Down and Collect Basic Information
Step 3 – Visit A Few That Could Address Your Current Or Future Needs
Now you have some real options to think about. As you age and change, you’ll see options that may not make sense right now, make sense for the right now of the future.
Once you have one or two facilities selected, it’s always wise to have a lawyer review the contracts. A good lawyer can quickly identify areas of concern that you may have overlooked or not fully understood.
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