Parent(s) Want To Move In
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You’ve been out of your parent’s home for years. What do you do when a parent wants to move in with you? What are the issues? How do you address the issues?

Children Who Can’t Wait For Their Parents To Move In
Americans love vacations: whether it’s to Hawaii, Orlando, the Grand Canyon, Smoky Mountains, Mount Rushmore, Coast of Maine, Hollywood, San Juans, Yellowstone, or the Gulf Shores. If you can’t even imagine visiting one of these places without your parents and kids, you’re a multigeneration vacationer. In other words, your idea of a great vacation is a staycation, and the best staycation imaginable is inviting your kids and parents over for a week-long cuddle fest, you’re a multigeneration staycationer.
If you fall into the category above, having mom, dad, or both move in is a no-brainer. You’ve been enjoying their company, and they yours for your collective lives. Take what seems helpful from the information below.
Things To Consider When A Parent Wants To Move In
Housing Issues To Consider Before A Parent Moves In
For housing, co-residency with a parent is generally about privacy, behaviors, longevity, and surprises from others.
Parent Privacy
Most seniors are accustomed to a certain level of privacy.
Like privacy, what my home allows me to do is also important. For example, can the home accommodate my physical needs?
For cohabitation with siblings, health issues generally address issues of what happens as one or both siblings’ health declines.
Finance Issues To Consider Before A Parent Moves In
For cohabitation with our parent(s), finance issues generally address issues of who pays for what and what happens if my parent(s) health declines?
Senior’s Finances
Also, see our Sections Taking Money From a Parent here and Supporting Other Family MembersOther here.
Family Resources
Community Resources
End of Life Chores
Equally important to housing and finances are end-of-life chores. These are your Wills, Trusts, POAs and AMDs.
Family Communication Issues To Consider Before A Parent Moves In
Communication Styles
Lifestyle & Preferences
Dependency Issues
Vacation & Holidays
Other Resources For When Parents Want To Move In
An interesting take on when parents want to move in here.
A good article on multigenerational living here.