Most people won’t drink dirty water because it may contain all sorts of contaminants. Your body has its own filtering system: your kidneys. The kidneys remove waste products and excess fluids from your body through urination. The kidneys work through a complex process of excretion and reabsorption; and the production of hormones. The process manages and regulates salt, potassium, and acid content. The hormones the kidney produces help manage and regulate blood pressure and calcium metabolism.

Kidney Failure / Renal Failure
What Healthy kidneys Do
Chronic Kidney Disease
The umbrella term for the serious kidney disease that seniors often confront is called chronic kidney disease (CKD). CKD includes all the conditions that damage your kidneys, preventing them from performing some or all of the functions listed above. CKD can make you feel sick, lead to high blood pressure, anemia (low blood count), weak or brittle bones and nerve damage. CKD also increases the risks of kidney and blood vessel disease.
Causes of CKD
Seniors are at high risk for CKD because CKD’s main causes are conditions common in seniors: diabetes and high blood pressure. Diabetes occurs when your blood sugar is too high. This can cause damage to organs in your body, including the kidneys. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is when your blood pressure is compromised. This can adversely affect kidney functions and lead to chronic kidney disease. Other causes include inflammatory diseases like glomerulonephritis and lupus.
CarePlanIt’s Approach
CarePlanIt classifies every issue into one of five key areas: health, housing, finances, end-of-life chores & family communication. Once done, the CarePlanIt framework allows you to create an optimized process of addressing the challenge. You minimize your family’s time and costs while maximizing your chance at reaching an ideal solution. Although all five categories work together, it’s important to make an initial categorization.

Chronic kidney disease is a “Health” issue that is evaluated by the chronic effects of the disease. CKD is chronic. CarePlanIt’s classification of health issues can help you better understand the impact of CKD on your life. In short, both chronic effects of CKD need to be managed properly. The senior, their spouse and the entire family need to understand what this involves and how to efficiently participate. Depending on the severity of the condition, staying at home may be challenging, even impossible.
We can help you navigate issues relating to the need for assisted living or nursing care. Review our Sections on Health and Housing.
Quick Ideas
Additional Information Can Be Found Below
Kidney Failure information from the CDC – click here
Information from the Mayo Clinic on Kidney Failure – click here
Kidney Failure information from the Cleveland Clinic – click here